1. I work out regularly and lost 30 lbs but now I have been stuck for a few months I know it’s my diet I need to work on it’s so true you can work out faithfully but got to get that diet in check anyway I am gonna start logging today what I eat get back on track and lose the rest of this weight 💜💜💜💪

  2. Hi Elle, thank you for these videos they are so inspirational. I watched your document and bought your weight loss e-book, which is fantastic. I just wanted to ask (without going into too much detail) besides your cheat day, do you still eat the same types of food every day that you ate on your weight loss journey or do you change it up every week? Also do you still meal prep for yourself? Thanks so much, Deirdre

  3. Hi Elle, thank you for great video!
    I just bought your and Jon's diet secret for 149 USD. I'am very excited and happy. I would like to upgrade my program ,but on your web page it says ,that I can upgrade for 100USD more .Ii does not work. How can I activate it?Could you please help me?I sent you an email, but not sure if you get it. Thank you very much for your advice, videos and support!Best regards from UK. Marketa Caskova facestudio@seznam.cz

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