1. Let Cooper be Cooper. Charlie touches my counter edge and we haven't died yet from germs. I gotta try that purple plan. Also what kind of reusable bags and where did you get them. Thanks love this video

  2. Hey girl I have a question for you I’m wanting to do WW again but I was wondering if I could do freestyle or do I have to do a blue purple or green plan and what’s the difference in points

  3. I am glad to have you back.. 😍 in for negative people I wouldn’t worry about what they say, people can be rude and mean but they don’t have to walk in your shoes so just be you. You’re great as you are. Keep up the great videos you’re the first video I start watching with my weight loss journey. So you can do this.🤩

  4. Hey guys!! I totally missed the premiere because I was on my way to work, I'm so sorry I wasn't here for the live chat! If there are any questions you had feel free to leave them here and I'll be happy to answer 🙂

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