1. gaining awareness of the different muscles that together make up the hips has been the most rewarding part of yoga for me. they can be the source of pain, but also amazing relief, like after this fantastic practice! thank you, adriene 🙂

  2. Just FYI, I “like” your videos before I’ve even watched them because I already know I’m going to like them. I’ve told you before, I dig your teaching style, & your energy, how relaxed & pain free my body feels after your videos…& new fact I love that after your videos I’m singing Boys 2 Men or feeling 100% ok with tooting 🤷🏻‍♀️. While that may not seem like constructive feedback, it is. I’ve had a multitude of things that have been obstacles in my self healing journey, & as an OT I’m all about putting the “fun” in functional. Sooo keep on keeping on & 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💜💜💜.

  3. A lot of stiffness in my hips and left leg from the 13 days of travel. Didn’t miss one day of YWA while I was gone for the record though I did stop posting. This was a good one to revisit but noticed something I hadn’t in the past and not sure anyone else has caught it and mentioned it yet. Your lav totally picks up your heartbeat in the end when you get into corpse pose. Not sure if you’re aware or not, but it was pretty cool. Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas to you, Adriene, if you’re celebrating. 😃❤️

  4. Love this vid. I have a hard time bearing weight on my knees, especially my left knee (feels bruised since I fell on it months ago). Any advice to adjust poses that involve bearing weight on the knee and/or any advice on how to heal it in the long term?

  5. Thank you Adriene! I started praying about a relief to my back and knee (not sciatica & yes to osteoarthritis, but very active). And today God lead my to this practice. As I'm an avid fan. And OMG! I actually feel an immediate relief. I'd never heard of the Psoas nerve as I've never had back problems. But after researching it seemed that this might have been my nerve of discomfort. And as I said, OMG! So thanks and I'm posting this one on my social media sights (@tranquilguru1 tranquil living guru) #smoochesTLG

  6. Pro tip for beginners, or anyone that doesn't normally smoke crack, meth, or consume large amounts of caffeine or other stimulants before doing yoga: try clicking the gear icon and setting this to a playback speed of 50%. Seriously though Adriene, thanks for putting these out at whatever pace lets you do that, much appreciated! 🙏

  7. I LOVE this and have used it repeatedly. I have had hip pain on and off for years, and this just melts it for weeks. THANK YOU thank you. I love your videos. I have heard we store a lot of emotional trauma in the psoas muscle. Not sure if that is true or not, but I do know that this particular exercise turns me into a relaxed pile of jello every time. Thank you, keep up the great work.

  8. Thank you for this video Adriene!! I love your videos. But this one was sooo helpful! I have a lot of pain that wraps f on my lower back to my hip crease and I didn't know it was a muscle called psoas! This was just what I needed!!

  9. Your practices have changed my life since I found your channel 2 years ago. I've improved my chronic pain, strength, flexibility, mental health management, body perspective and awareness, posture, relaxation, training of a meditative mind and probably more that I'm forgetting to mention. What you say in your videos has become my inner voice, which is much nicer than it was before. So, thanks 🙏

  10. @16:55…. I don't know who coined that little ditty first, you or Shad? (youtube…. Shad – The Fool Pt 1 (Get it Got it Good) (Official Video) ) I repeat this flow often and every time you say "live it, love it, good!" that song runs through my head lol

  11. Hello Adriene …I tried this yoga class today it's awesome … I think I should practice yoga 4 days in a week… Just a quick question here I also want to join gym for muscle building can you please suggest if it is a good idea?
    Btw you are awesome 👍

  12. Diverting from my Explore calendar to one of my core favourites, great to tone those vital muscles. Senior yogi doing my best in one legged pigeon and achieving greatness in active lizard. Wonderful 🧘🏼‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️🙏💞

  13. Adriene, i’m healing from a brain injury right now and your yoga videos have been so helpful and brightening to my days. They help me to find joy in my body, feel connected to the beautiful souls that are out there, and to process tough emotions that come up. Thank you for the work you do ☺️🙏🏻

  14. Adriene, when working on cat/cow, especially in this practice, do I keep my abdomen/stomach engaged during cow? I have a tendency to just let it all drop and I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't. Thanks!

  15. Always a ray of positivity in the mornin for me! I love to start my day with your energy, it makes the biggest difference to see in what ways I can improve my love for my body and you are a big inspiration!

  16. Thank you so much for all the videos and love you give to all of us ❤️ would you consider making a video for tension relief in the hips, psoas and the muscles that come along on the side lower back? I have a problem with hip dysplasia and the classic workout and stretches are painful and hard on the hips, I love it to do your videos and "fwfg" and take the most out of them, but maybe, maybe you could do something in that direction. Hips/middle back/lower back (sideways). 🙏❤️

  17. I think it's almost two years now I keep coming back to this session. LOVE it. And would be really grateful if you make new sessions( I mean focused on PSOAS) with a bit of improvement for those who kept doing the same one over and over 😁

  18. Hi from Goa, India. This, like all your sessions, is really fab. Thank you so much. A bit too quick for me would have loved to stay in each pose … say 1 breath more to get in maybe 2 breaths more of hold … making my way through the rest of your sessions 🙂

  19. Thank you, Adriene. This was a healing practice for me. I have some injuries in and around the psoas. Do you have any other videos that target this area? The side of my hurt hip was on fire for some of the side stretches. Your voice is healing for me and I appreciate your encouragement to try to stay soft. Also what you said that the body will follow emotions. Looking forward to exploring more of your videos.

  20. "What's up party people" 😂 jesus christ lady you could slow down a bit and hold those positions little bit longer because i can't keep up with you, this is hard 😂. First time doing yoga ever because of plantar fascia. 😘 thank you for the instructions, going to incorporate these to my new morning routine

  21. Thank you. I had Lumbar surgery in April because a hip misalignment caused a stress fracture. I was told my psoas was pulling my left hip up and forward. I am healing but I'm still dealing with hips that are off. I'm hoping these stretches will help.

  22. This was a very enjoyable practice! My psoas has been giving me a lot of pain for a while now, and I try to keep it stretched out so it isn't as cranky. This practice felt really good, but I had to modify pigeon pose by reclining on my back instead. The pain in my hip is too intense to get into that pose the conventional way now. I really liked the variation of doing cat/cow while in gate pose position! I got a nice stretch in my hip as well as the usual back flexibility work. I've never done cat/cow that way before, but I will definitely be doing it more in the future!

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