1. Hey Koboko, as of this past Friday I just started 3 of your workout videos to workout arms, back, stomach, butt, hips, thighs and legs. I'm a beginner and wanted to know if doing 3-4 of these vidoes everyday is too much?

  2. Pls help me my butt will increase and reduce, increase and reduce all d time i am tired pls what can i do pls my friend help me i need ur help, it reduced much this time around omg.

  3. Girl help me out! I've lost way too much weight after having my son 8 months ago, no shape nothing, I look awful! I did your 10 minute leg & booty workout yesterday and I feel the burn (ouch!) Lol but I'm just wondering is this the best one too get bigger legs? Do I need to be doing the same one daily? A little lost. But I love your channel and I love your personality you're amazing 💗💗 So thank you!!

  4. Hi so I know this video is sort of a old and I don’t think I’ll get a response from anybody but I just really wanted to say that I want to know if while you’re doing piece workouts in after do you have to have some sort of diet or can you just do your workouts without a diet because I really need help I’m just starting and I don’t I’m really confused

  5. Let me tell you guys that these exercises are AMAZING!!I used to be 149lbs and now weigh 125lbs:)Tbh i didnt think they would work but ive noticed that my butt does look rounder and my waist wayyy tinier since doing most of these video instructions. This woman is a saint amomgst us for taking the time out of her day to help others achieve their goals 💕

  6. Came from two back video exercises done and completed then began this and nearly fainted! Need to take it easy lol but they didn't even feel that hard idk what happened

  7. Can someone help me ? Whenever I try I get so tired and run out breath so easily and I feel as if I’m going to throw up , what should I do ?

  8. Hey everyone. I’ve been working out for a long time now and tbh my routine is pretty intense, when I first started my muscles were super sore but then after about two weeks I got used to it. However I never incorporated butt and thigh workouts in my routine, so yesterday I tried this out, I was expecting my thighs to be burning by today, but the pain is not that bad, I can barely feel it. Am I doing something wrong or is this because I’m already so used to working out. Please help me out❤️

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