1. Hi, you mention on your website we shouldn't use the rope on concrete as it will decrease the life of the rope. What should we use to cushion the impact of the rope? Can we get a Rush Athletic mat like the one in your videos? What would you recommend?

  2. That intro is what I’ve been waiting for, everytime I watch your video Rushi! Thanks to you and your endless video on slick jump ropes tricks and techniques, I’ve shed a few pounds and gain endurance that I’ve never thought I could have before!
    Keep on inspiring!! #theyrunwefly

  3. Does everyone want to lose weight, or lose body fat. Because I want to get rid of unwanted body fat. Weight is just a number, but if I get rid of actual fat cells, and reduce the over-all size of the fat molecule then I have in fact become less fat. Then the over all number of my actual weight does not matter. You need a proper nutrition plan, not a diet! Figure out what you should eat, and how to eat, because through proper nutrition you will start seeing the results you are seeking. I can jump rope my ass off, yet if I still eat like rubbish it isn't going to amount to anything on the scale, as far as losing body FAT. One is as vital as the other. Just like abs they start in the kitchen. Eat healthy, get healthy. It's so simple, but you need to be determined to not fail or slip up (and not eat a half gallon of ice cream) like me and have a fat kid moment!

  4. Hey just wanted to say your videos have helped to improve my skipping alot. I also bought the rush atletics 10 foot rope and i must say best rope hands down. Felt flimsy at first but when you start skipping you realise its so much more. Did the double under drill with ease but still have a long way to go keep the videos coming.

  5. It is Sunday, I watched this workout yesterday, wrote out the moves and set my Interval Timer. Today, I did the workout, and it was hard to keep up with for the first minute or so, but then I found my rhythm and kept up with you. My heart rate was up to 150 at times and it was awesome!!!! I loved it and would love more, I do write my own workouts but it is always better doing them with you….. 😀❤️👍Stay Awesome Rush!!!!

  6. Looks like 3 people aren't gutsy enough to try this work out. I'm on this after I take my wife to work!! Awesome work out, good to see you gassed asy the end, shows it's not pretend! There's no hiding from jump rope.

  7. Hey Rushie! Kudos to u and co.!!! You are really doing amazing work, keep it up brother…🙌❤🔥btw, I had a request…can u please sell your ropes on Amazon India, cuz, there are many people u wanna buy your rope! But, shipping costs more than cost of the rope😂😂 also, students like us can't really afford the shipping charges…hope u understand brother! Also, keep posting your videos, they're awesome

  8. Hey rushie , last week I've got money rope and legacy rope as well…
    Feel so good to use these ropes…
    Hope you'd do this kind of workout routines at least once per week..

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