1. I just did this challenge!!! Sooo happy about the progress I've made this month – I posted a video on my channel if anyone is interested in checking my personal experience out!

  2. I really want to get into fitness , I’ve been kicked out of college after a few weeks in and I’m just at home every day and I want to do something worthwhile, can anyone help motivate me?

  3. should do it progressively, doing 100 pushups in less and less time, doing more in a row each time. I started at 30 in row… 20 years ago and just got to 70 pushups in a row last week lol, with 30 more 1 minute later. I also bench press and set my reps record last week too, 300lbs for 3 sets of 10. They probably have a good amount of correlation.

  4. Thank you for the advice, I was going for the challenge but changed my mind, and that's good. After the first day, I felt really sore and was afraid of injuring my wrists and worried about not being able to fully rest after 24h. I also do jiujitsu, which is pretty hard and it wouldnt be a good I dea do go to jiujitsu class and still do 100 push ups. So I might stick to a hubdred push ups on those days I'm away from home or on those days I dont attend jiujitsu.

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