1. Hey bud, I managed twice. I'm new to the gym and dumbell workouts I'm at the gym 3 times a week mainly compound exercises and this video on the Tuesday and Thursday. My question is am i over working my muscles groups with full body everyday?

  2. Just did this twice with 2x 10kg dumbbells, thnx Tanner u officially killed me off, first time working out in nearly 6 years 😓 really appreciate your videos tho man, excellent stuff keep it up 👍

  3. Just from doing every workout and just 5 days I went from 187 to 176 just eating right drinking water avoiding processed sugars and getting 9 hours of sleep best workout channel on YouTube by far

  4. Hi Tanner. I’ve been able to accomplish 3 rounds using 10kg dumbells. It made me sweat like crazy. Great feeling.
    Absolutely fantastic workout. A wonderful backup workout in case i have to skip my workout at the studio.
    The most difficult exercise for me was Reverse Flys

  5. Hey BarbarianBody, I was wondering if u could do another video on how teens can build muscle at home. I've been running out of things to work on during my workouts and all i have at home is a few dumbbells, a bench with a curl bar, and my own body weight. thanks!😃

  6. Can u please please please do some more dumbell exercises . Been loving these . But would love some more variety and your the best I found on YouTube to work along with .

  7. So, Tanner when are you going to provide a full on at home training program for us blokes that hate the gym. It would be a nice compliment to your Physique Sculpting and Lean Mass programs. I got my wallet out bro!!

  8. The routine is helping massively and im starting to gain muscle a couple weeks in but the ab exercise isnt burning or showing a result. What should I do?

  9. Thanks for the video…. just getting into the body building routine and as a single mother I don’t always have the luxury of going to the gym. Now I can supplement my workout without feeling like I’m backsliding if I can’t make it to the gym. Great instructional video. I’m a fan 👍🏾

  10. Great workout, and at your level of intensity this would be considered a HIIT workout, because you keep your heart rate elevated with very short rests in between sets. Perfect for weight loss, especially if executed in a fasted state.

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