1. Been doing this for a weekslin and a half and was 248 now Im 245 but I have been eating 1900 calories a day and have added my own adjustments to focus on my abs. Keep working guys it'll pay off in a few months
    P.S. I can only make it to 12mins rip

  2. I am a 13 year Male who is just under 9 stone as English weight measurement this is my first day doing this and I can barely do 1 pushup but I am not going to give up

  3. I honestly don't know how to do crunches properly. I just can get half up without feeling that i'm forcing my neck hard and feel i'm not flexing anything. Hope you guys can give me some advice 🙂

  4. I don't know about ya'll but I'm exhausted. Day 1 is done, i'm definitely more out of shape than I thought. If I continue to do this I will post every week we shall see.

  5. hey guys I’m following this every day along with a press up, sit up and running routine. I’ve been semi active for a while, going to gym classes, however I want to lose a bit more weight

    I’ll use this as a diary
    day1 – I found it tough! I coped well, though struggled towards the end on the press ups. I’m off to take a shower lol I’m sweating

  6. Day 1: This seems tough
    Day 2: still going strong
    Day 3: consistency is the key
    Day 4: My whole body is sore
    Day 5: Pushing myself
    Day 6: Remember the promise
    WEEK 1 complete.
    Feeling more energetic than before, improved my pushups count a little bit, now onto the next phase.
    WEEK 2 complete.
    It's getting difficult everyday to maintain the routine, but I am trying very hard to not miss even a single day. Results are not very noticeable but I now feel more energetic than before. Feeling a different kins of energy around me, which keeps me pushing forward. Now onto the next phase.

    From now on will post weekly updates.

  7. Hey guys. I am going to start this exercise every morning. I am current 90kg. I will start this exercise in a week five days after 5km run.
    I will keep updating you if I get result.
    Thanks for sharing the video

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