1. 6'2", 175 lb, 35 year old guy. it took 4 months to fully do this workout session with 8lb dumbbells. well i lost 10lb, and gained tiny little biceps muscles. but feel way stronger then i used to be. thanks for the video. should i continue doing the same exercises?

  2. Found your channel recently and am now a fan. No fuss, no unnecessary talking, just a straight forward workout. I add my own warm up and cool down and I’m out the door for work. Love the 15-20 min format too, perfect time length for morning workout. Thank you!

  3. Hell of a workout. I’m looking to get more fit for golf this year. This is the best workout for me so far. I did the 20 minute one last week and that one was a good pace one to start out with. This one seemed more intense and I LOVE it!!! Great job and keep the videos coming!

  4. Grant; I'm happy to have found your channel. Your workouts are for all fitness levels and are quick and to the point without endless chatter and you explain the movements and techniques extremely well…just a question–are you from Scotland? My boss at work is from Glasgow and speaks just as you do 🙂

  5. How heavy should the weight be of the dumbbell? Like how much % of your max dumbell curl or overhead press weight?

    And should the weight change over the workout?

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