1. After I had discovered this weight loss plan “Yamzοkο Weebly” utilizing Google, I felt excited to try it out right away. This has offered me pleasure. My buddy lost 10 lbs immediately after this fat loss program, I absolutely advise you browse Google to find out how. .

  2. My first workout with you guys and you are AMAZING! Your positive encouragement, and breakdown of mental barriers throughout is SO encouraging. You've definitely gained a subscriber and a motivated person who is ready to finally make myself better!!

  3. “We’re just crazy married couple hanging out in the the garage” 😂😂 you guys are goals! This workout is a killer thankyou so much

  4. I’ve been doing this every 3rd day for a few weeks now and I’ve only ever done the first round + half of the second, today for the first time I felt the strength to push through the two rounds and I feel so amazing and proud of myself I might even go through the first round again!! Woohooo!!!

  5. Just 20 mins and Done. No driving to gym. I'm a bit of a sweaty mess but it feels great! No way I would have done burpees and sprinters without motivation! Thanks Coach Kozak and Claudia! I really appreciate the quality material you put out!
    Also I just supported HASFIT via patreon. I encourage everyone who has benefited from these great free workouts to chip in what you can. Please Keep HASFIT going!!

  6. first time doing this workout . i did some of te hard one and some of the softr ones but i quit one minut before it ended.. i am sweating so much. tomorro I'm going to complete all of it.

  7. Ooooo wee don't know how I missed this one, but its definitely going on the go to list. How many times a week should one do this? I feel like I'll want to do it everyday. That run in place at the end is amazing!!!

  8. Thanks you two! This was a beast workout! Love all your encouragement, modifications, and love how real Claudia is about the pushups! I can so relate 😀👍💪

  9. I am a 20 year old boy and I ve been training with you guys for a month now. I ve lost 2 kilos so far, by doing most of your 20 min workouts! I will continue doing them! Huuuge thanks, guys! You rock 😀✋

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