1. I did this at school and I swear to god we all came in the next day and none of us could go up the stairs or even sit on a chair. All we did was complain about how much in pain we were. Well worth it though, an amazing workout. But so painful, it is 2 days after and I am still in agony 😂

  2. i also get a bit confused with the bell. your counting and the bell dont synchronise. gets a bit confusing, especially when knackered! soz to complain, i actually love your workouts and more laid back approach to fitness and nutrition.

  3. not the best of your workouts joe. too many squat exercises in there, about 5-6 i think. had to cancel it at the last one, worried i may injure myself. maybe you could incorporate a warm up routine and stretches for workouts with this many squats?

  4. Cheers Joe, that was a great workout, I've been doing your Lean in 15 DVD so it was a nice to go up to 20 mins to mix it up a bit. Keep up the good work matey.

  5. you could have used a mat and been able to do more variation? like the 20 different move workouts though. plus whats up with the single use plastic bottle joe??!!!

  6. heavy on the squats and high knees- feels like it could have been a beginner workout or an introductory workout to hiit. still got a sweat on though- so no complaining!

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