1. Love love love these.>>>ur2.pl/1182 Perfect for lifting at home and a better price option then just continuing to buy a set at every weight when I need them. Easy to quickly switch weight, not too bulky (though takes some getting used to), and gotta love the free Amazon shipping for such a heavy package!

  2. What is this out of shape, jackass? He can barely go through this workout. This is Mickey Mouse. Great boxing moves too. What a prick! Its fun to watch though, I'm having a laugh.

  3. Love your work outs Joe. Very tough! I did this straight after doing one of your advanced HIIT videos and then finished with the 10 minute ab video…. I'm dead 🙂

  4. hey Joe, I really enjoy doing your workouts. This one is a good one… I'd like if you post more workouts like this one mixing cardio with dumbbells. Thanks Joe, hope you see my comment.

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