1. "I did not think it fair that My Human should be allowed to be the boss of me all the time. She only asked me to do silly things and things that were a bit scary but turned out fine, however, so I came to trust her. Then one day we were messing around in a ring when she suddenly ended up on her hind end WITHOUT MY HAVING BUCKED HER OFF MY BACK. The discovery that she is fallible catapulted me into an existential crisis, but she recovered her composure and I recovered my faith in her. That said, I still don't think that she should be allowed to be the boss of me all the time."

  2. Super job Eliza and Dorado 😀 You two can really put on a show! Even the mishaps looked as if they belonged 😉
    You should put on a comedy routine with all your mustangs, you all have great senses of humor!

  3. I think Dorado just likes to put his own twist on things lol. He's playful! I thought you both were great! I am wondering if the jump and gate look so much alike that he thought he was supposed to jump it. He sort of looked like he was thinking about it when he reached the tarp. Just a great go. Best of luck!

  4. I smiled throughout the whole video, his has so much character, a beautiful horse, thank you for sharing his journey. First time I have watched a 90+ day 'training/trust' mustang. Fantastic work Elisa, you do have a way and a lot of love for your horses.

  5. He was fine with the tarp until it got caught on his foot – I would have kicked at it too. And standing still when your handler/ rider falls is a valuable skill – you did that on purpose, of course. 🙂 (My daughter fell off, and landed with her head about 6 inches from the horses front hoof, and her arm somehow between her front feet. If she had moved, it could have been bad.)

  6. You and Dorado did fantastic Elisa. You slipping was classic and he just stood there without moving. I do hope they realise that Dorado has not been the easiest Mustang to train, and that most trainers would have given up, and considering that YOU have done a miracle with him. He just loves to kick things over, lol. hence the little gate. lol. I am loving this journey with you both, and of course cannot wait for the next video. Thank you so much for posting.

  7. Anyone seeing Dorado for the first time in this video needs to go back to the first day Elisa brought him home.  The transformation is simply amazing.  Way to go Elisa and Dorado!

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