1. I'm tired of the narrow minded and abundantly narcissistic community this has become.

    I've been a certified CF trainer since 2009, and I've seen the design and methodology devolve each year. I've never once seen or attended a seminar that taught exercise physiology, kinesiology, or most importantly, TOTAL BODY MUSCULAR BALANCE. If you look at most CF athletes and regular CF gym goers, you can clearly see the imbalances. Most women (also men, but especially women) are quad dominant and have shit for glutes. This leads to injuries, impaired power and performance and poor posture. This is also due to the lack of knowledge and teaching at the corporate level. Most movements consist of snatches and double unders, snatches or double unders…and did I mention snatches or double unders? This is why people who do CrossFit walk around with massive upper traps and little to show for the middle and lower traps, which assist with scapular motions and control. Also, the notion that isolation work is for "globo gyms" is another example of ignorance. There are some muscles that you must isolate as much as you can to decrease the activation of synergistic muscles, the glute minimus and medius most importantly. These muscles are responsible for internal rotation of the femur and abduction of the femur, and counter act the forces acted on by the powerful adductor muscles. This also creates knee valgus and "glute amnesia", which decreases power output exponentially. This community bashes the bodybuilding community like no other, although I also don't agree with their methods, I will say that they are for the most part well balanced people that suffer alot less from injuries due to muscle imbalances than do CF athletes. MMA fighters are the most explosive athletes in the world, they are also well balanced in all major and stabilizer muscles groups. This allows them to have maximal power without having power "leaks". My advice to anyone who is currently following a CF program, or attending a CF gym would be to study exercise physiology, kinesiology, learn each movement and the main and secondary muscles worked, and then learn how to use that information to put together a well balanced program that emphasizes "pre-hab" and durability techniques to focus on muscles that cause dysfunction if neglected; serratus anterior, lower traps, glute max, glute med, glute min, anterior tibialis are the main ones. Start working muscles, not movements. This is not the end all be all method.

  2. "In fact they're not feeling it in their abs at all, they're feeling it in their legs" CrossFit Commentator 2019. Wow these guys are fucking stupid.

  3. Trt/Test, Hgh, and Epo are the choice of these people. Remember even if they are drug tested does not mean they are all drug free. Crossfit does not do panel work on all athletes before the games.

  4. I've never seen this before but it seems way too many people doing shit at the same time can't really focus on individuals which I believe you need to have people at home invested in it. The only people I remember are the last ones in each event because of the rest are gone.

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