1. Jordan, you will probably not see this…..but as a mom….I HAVE to say it!!! Please don't smack your head with the dumbbell…..you're making me cringe!! Ok, back to the video.

  2. As an Aussie that was an insult haha fasting is great I love IF it keeps me in control, I do 48 hours fasts at the most and not often, But I do think If has been a big key in helping me control my calorie intake.

  3. You said in a recent podcast with mindpump that there are studies showing that it does not take long for a body to adapt to a new caloric intake.
    Could you help me find that study so I may research it for data on metabolic damage solutions?!? Please!?!?

  4. Reeks (Rico) your videos get better and better every week. Fantastic work, great transitions and overall awesome footage. I nearly choked on my own salava laughing at the guy on the plane. If only we could have seen the guy at breakfast. J incredible as ever, especially the accent 💕

  5. The transitions in this are killer! Fantastic content as usual! I have actually started unfollowing people when I see them promoting "waist trainers" such an absolute waste! Keep killing it!

  6. Jordan & Rico : YOU BOTH ARE KILLING IT MAN ! !!! Just so incredible quality in terms of Great info & great direction ! At the same time it’s fun to watch and so much to learn frm you . Best part is the celery juice truth & that British accent 😊😊
    Love you so much for what you doing man !!

  7. I’m from Sydney rather than Brisbane but am legit about to travel to Thailand to train mixed martial arts hahaha I plan to eat a lot of food though :p

  8. 👏🏼 Stepping up your YouTube game with the drone. You and Rico complement eachother. I can see the growth. So much good info and comedy. I was literally laughing out loud with your reaction to the woman biting her ice cream cone.

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