1. Hi Beachbody, I live in Nigeria…how do I get the CD's or could there be a downloadable online format…I'm planning my wedding come this December…so I need to get in shape…thank you

  2. I got into this plan 1 month later I quit I lost $179 dollars it sucks for me my trainer she sucks! I got my chocolate shake and the kit but never liked it

  3. I am doing 2 diets to lose weight & control my prediabetes, I am at 4-6 on an average day, & it needs down to a 1-3 tops. To get in shape to help & take care of God, my family, friends, etc.

  4. Hi there…i really wanna try your 21 day fix programme..but its not showing the option for shipping to my place… i live in bahrain… please help me.. i badly need to try this programme.. help.me out.. i will.waiting for you reply.. please… i will.appreciate your help..

  5. Thanks for the Video! Apologies for chiming in, I would love your opinion. Have you thought about – Parlandealey Boosting Metabolism Process (just google it)? It is a smashing one off product for melting stubborn belly fat minus the hard work. Ive heard some decent things about it and my mate at last got excellent success with it.

  6. Now that I'm over 30, I know that my body will need more time to get back to what it was, but with this program, I see real results. I see myself getting leaner without loosing to much weight too fast. I'm 10 pounds down in 4 weeks.
    It makes you realise how the portion/the things you eat were wrong. I loved to have little snacks here and then. I ate a lot of sugar and carbs without realizing.
    The dvds are not getting easier. They stay hard because my muscles are working everyday. but i love my new routine. Everyday its another exercise. You only repeat them once a week, so you keep sweating 'til the end of the 30 minutes and you know you are done for 7 days with it.

    So far, it was a nice 100$ spend for good healths habit.

  7. I think it's more of the accountability and support that you get once you purchase these product. You can workout but will it be consistent? Everyone need support to complete their goals. I used to do random workouts and portion control too but never maintained a consistent balance and never saw true results. With these programs you get a free t-shirt for completing the program and free money too if your doing a challenge group. I have seen people using the programs that have won money just for showing progress pictures of how much weight they have lost. If it wasn't for the support groups these workouts come with I wouldn't be so addicted to working out like I am now and have never before. It's not a chore anymore to me. Everyone is different. 😊

  8. While the nutritional-supplement ads are annoying, the exercises between the days are definitely designed to fit together.

    When I work out in the gym without the workout video, I just do 10 reps of each exercise in arbitrary order, and I sometimes procrastinate between reps. Also, when I am away from the gym for a long time, and then hit the gym again, I get insanely sore, and that soreness dissuades me from coming back to the gym.

    But with Autumn's exercises, you get sore first, but you quickly get used to them. As an example, Autumn begins a 7-day series of exercises with "surrenders", which is a tough exercise for your legs. The exercises then target other parts of your body. Afterwards, you are sore all over. Then, 2 days later, you basically do leg-day. Having done the "surrender" exercise, I am far less sore than what I would have been if I had just exercised my legs "out of the blue"–certainly, sore enough to discourage me from targeting my legs again.

    I think there are a bunch of other structures about these exercises that I probably haven't noticed yet.

    Honestly, I think I've learned stuff about how my body works just by paying attention to how Autumn structures the sequence of exercises.

  9. This is still my favorite program even 3 years later. It's intense, but the workouts are short! Plus, it's something you can keep using over and over again even after the 21 Days. I still use the 21 Day Fix containers when I'm trying to get ready for a big event, and they've taught me proper portions (and how many portions I need each day). Plus the workouts are still a challenge today because I can use heavier weights and keep up in Cardio Fix. 🙂

  10. My mom and I just started this program, we are ready to take it on. The first workout kicked our butt. Don't be discouraged if you can't do the entire video the first time! We couldn't either and my mom's coach said she didn't either, it's okay!

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