1. Hi I love your designs, especially the red and the heart. Yes I'm not yet at the gym but I'm going to be as I really want to loose some weight. I'm plus size & I want to remain plus size as I've always been, but drop some pounds off. I'm a size 18W but I'll like to be like a 14W & see how I look! Great video. Thank you!

  2. I have about six t-shirts I need to convert into workout shirts, and of all the tutorials on here, yours is perfect! I like "cute" and all, but ventilation is mandatory and now I can have both cute AND ventilated! I'm going to give the peace sign one a try, for sure. 🙂

  3. You are so amazing person! You probbably didnt knew it but you motivate me every day, and you are so relaxing to listen! Sometimes I just put on your videos, I dont care which one it is, when I do daily things, so I can listen to your voice, and calm down and relax! You sefinitly desirve 1 milion subs! Some youtubers have way more subscribers than you, but dont desirve even half of what you have! 🙂

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