1. Girl…..I shoooo have missed you! Glad you back! Love the hair! This workout was da bomb! Im sweating, my abs is feeling snatched and I'm short of breath–goal achieved! Thank ya ! Peace and Blessings, girl!

  2. This 54 yr old was huffing and puffing. Good workout. I was able to make it all the way through without pausing, which is good. Just had to rewind a couple times to get into position.

  3. I just happened upon your videos today while looking for a step workout, since I bought an aerobic step just recently, and after looking through your step workout and this one, I knew I had to subscribe. Your workouts look awesome – I am looking forward to doing lots of them soon. And you have a great personality – the perfect balance between calming and energizing. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication in making these great videos for us!

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