1. This workout is no joke! You'll be tired and sweating in no time and the crazy thing is you'll want more the next day! Great workout…I do it 3x a week and I saw the results just after the first week! Go get it, Lunden is awesome!

  2. Just started this tonight and I have had to stop after doing the first part 😂 didn't realise I was so unfit but I suppose having to babies in the last 3 years and gaining 3 stone does that to you!

    My legs can't physically support my weight and are giving way.

    Any tips on how long I should just stick to the first part for? I don't want to over do it and do an injury.

  3. Just tried this workout as it's raining outside so not ideal for running. I loved it!! Felt like it was challenging but not impossible! Only problem was my dog was sitting practically on top of me and licking my face at regular intervals !! :)) Thanks again!

  4. it's my second time doing this work out. I love it so much. thank you for everything and talking to me throughout it. couldn't do it with out you.

  5. I skipped my gym and did this today. it made me sweat more than I do at the gym! although I'm really out of shape and couldn't do them all properly… hopefully will get there some day!

  6. Great workout! I’ve been alternating this workout with spinning during the week and have been seeing results! Thanks for putting this together for us 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

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