1. Every other day regime for me.
    9/12/19 Day 1 Had to do the easiest forms and could not complete all sets. 5lb weights
    Day 2 Did the hardest forms up until the floor work. Core is too weak. Was forced to skip yesterday because my thighs were still too sore from Day 1.

  2. Your workout Video is absolutely fantastic!!!! I found a quiet spot in the gym and just followed each step… it’s high impact but still manageable… you are a great teacher too…I thoroughly enjoyed it honestly speaking !
    Thank you so much!! 😀

  3. First time with this particular routine. Struggled with some that have 3 moves so stuck to 1 or 2 . Can see I will progress into them as I get stronger. I like the fact that the floor moves are all at the same time , meaning not getting up then back t the floor as I struggle with some pains doing that. So thank u and well thought out.

  4. Did this workout around 30mins to an hour ago for the first time, I paused a couple of times throughout the video and now I can't walk up and down the stairs because my legs feel numb…😩😭

  5. I really could not wait to take the weight loss plan “Yamzοkο Weebly” (Google it). I was truly thrilled. My good friend shed 10 pounds immediately after this specific fat loss program, I absolutely highly recommend you check out Google to learn how. .

  6. I'm going to start this tomorrow for 2 weeks. Start inches hips 38.5 🙁 goal hip inches end of 2 weeks is 37!! Wish me luck I'll update in 2 weeks hopefully if I can remember to

  7. First time i did this was two days ago. I did up to 11 minutes trying to keep up. Today, i got to 17 minutes, and damn I'm proud because for 1, this workout is really physically straining and that keeps me in check. Will get back to in a month to make sure of my progress. Btw I'm 5'6" and I'm 136 pounds at the moment. I'm turning 15 in a month and i want to see the differences…

  8. Please lock in your elbows to your sides if you want toned arms. The bicep curl technique in this video isn't working your biceps at all.
    Keep your elbows still and tucked in.
    Back Straight.
    Feet shoulder width apart.
    Slowly extend your forearms up and down controlling the weight as you move your arm.
    It will be much harder but that his how you will achieve toned arms much quicker.

  9. I want to thank you. This video is the first of this channel I watched, like 3 months ago and had in my small work out list. Today I decided to do it. And I have to say I was done by the 10 min mark. I'm oy 25 and this video made me see how out of shape I really am. Now I have a goal. I am going to watch this video and do it at least 2 times a week till I can last to the end. Thank you again. I loved doing this. My legs burn even now. You earned a sub 🙂

  10. First time with Bodyfit with Amy. Loved all the options as I am 65 years old and need to ease into new exercises to reduce injury. I’m going to share this with my daughter. Thanks, Amy!

  11. How heavy do the dumbells have to be for beginners? I do cardio, core and HIIT on a regular basis. This was my first attempt at strength training and I didn't feel the burn at all. I tried with 2x2kg dumbells. Is the weight too less? (Or am I just doing it wrong?)

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