1. I am 11, and wow that was GREAT. Usually other workouts I just want to stop, but this was fun!! When you said if your not sweating your not doing it right, I checked my forehead and I was watering. But I didn't realize because I was having so much fun and was so concentrated. That's why I subscribed.

  2. I'm a teenager and going to high school going to be a freshman and I wanted to lose more weight so I started doing this almost for a week and I feel confident with my body I feel fresh all I gotta say is drink a lot of water eat whatever you just drink a lot of water than you will be good and u could also do the video I feel confident hopefully this kinda help you with this 💞

  3. Something about doing this workout brings out strength in me which I never knew I had. For example there would be a workout and just from the girl in the middle encouraging the listener gives me hope that I get through the video and yeah I look like a tomato and sweating like crazy by the end of the video but there’s a satisfaction in going through with it, I don’t know how to describe it but it’s great to say “I actually did that” when you never knew you could

  4. This workout kept popping up in my reccomended every now and then so I decided I would try it out. Thank you guys so much for a workout that you can have fun with but also challenge yourself at the same time!

  5. This is one of the best workout tutorials I've ever watched! I did the full 30-min workout at once and it was such a fun! Thanks ladies, you're awesome 🙂

  6. tried this today and had to take longer breaks than were given but i’m going to keep on doing it everyday and hopefully i’ll be able to do it with the given break lengths

    edit: 2nd day going managed to do it without pausing the video once!! proud of myself and hope i will have the motivation to carry on everday

  7. I started this on the 27th and I thought I would've stopped but it's been four days and I keep pushing. Sometimes I feel insecure and like I'm not gonna lose any weight or look better, but this video makes me feel like I can. After everyday I finished it I feel accomplished like I've done something. I just wanna say I really appreciate this video and for people who feel like they can't do it, atleast do the best you can and don't give up on yourself😊❤

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