1. Subscribing Popsugar is the best thing ever happened to me….😊..its so motivating, energising nd refreshing. Moreover the results are visible within 2 weeks…..a humble thanx to Anna nd team..xoxo..😊

  2. Please add more videos with Xavier! He's so calming and encouraging at the same time. He really pushed me, and he explained all the moves so well I was never confused.

  3. I enjoyed this workout, but found it mostly core-centric and fairly easy overall. I found myself modifying the moves to make them a little harder. Good if you want to get your heart rate up a little and focus more on abs 🙂

  4. Xavier designed this workout so nice, all do-able but also effective, made the heart rate up but still could finish it in a good way. Xavier is really an amazing trainer, has clear cues, explains details nicely, and is encouraging for us, perfect! need more of Xavier!!!

  5. Such a great workout! I usually do fasted cardio in the morning 3 times a week and two times I do some strength training. I've noticed that I need more core-centered exercises and this video is just what I was looking for. Thank you Popsugar!

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