1. I’ve been waiting for a new Strong by Zumba ever since the first one on this channel! I must say Renee had such amazing form in this video- I’m super impressed.

  2. Love the workout! Wouldn't mind more like this!
    Small thing…personally I think he shouldn't call strong women his age "girls." But I doubt he means to be belittling or anything.

  3. Loved the workout and the music, and what an excellent instructor! The constant cuts were a bit jarring though, it would be nice if the main instructor was always visible.

  4. I hope that one day I can follow along with Renee! She is fierce! This was a great workout that had my heart racing in the best way. More videos like this please

  5. THAT WAS FREAKIN AWESOME!!! I was worried that it might be too hard to follow but the slow movements and modifications helped greatly. Yay for completing my first Strong Zumba class ever🙌🏾

  6. Wow wow wow …. I was waiting like for ever for this one …. Strong by Zomba .. I sweated like a beast and killed me but like it .. reminded me by Ai le Sheriff.. thank u popsuger and God bless you all 🤩😘😘😘😘😘

  7. Thank you so much! I loved every second of this. I felt so strong and sexy while doing this and I was smiling all the way through even though it was challenging and I was pushing my limits. Even the cool down was amazing! I never have had this great workout and I have done hundreds of workouts in my life. I'll definitively do this again.

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