1. 39 kg… Like damn, that's light. I'm 48 kg and already too light for my height (I always struggled gaining weight) so I can't imagine an adult weighting 39 kg and be healthy.

  2. This annoys the living out of me. A person with an "average" size is at least twice the size of any kpop singer in their normal weight range. I am so fucking sad that they even feel the need to loose weight (because of their beliefs, their managers or because of hate from outsiders), even if some of them actually were overweight it wouldn't mean shit because they are practicing for hours every day and I bet they live a very active life. These people need ever energy left they can get from the few meal breaks they're able to fit into their super busy schedules… If you are so obsessed with kpop stars trying to loose weight then fucking look at yourself first, don't shame skinny girls that weight 60kg to become 40-50kg.

  3. So sad the netizens keep pointing out her figure her sexy concept and so on but do not realize that how TALENTED she is. She become different person on stage. That show how professional she is as an idol. Dance rap sing? She can do all.

  4. A big f you to the people who were calling hyuna a pig and fat she’s tried her best to make everybody happy with the way she looks it’s disgusting how much pressure she must feel due to such toxic people

  5. I do hope the two young people find true love and happiness. Welcome to earth where most humans are judgemental and self loathing. Hello aliens from other planets, don't stay too long as you may end up too human and dangerous.😀👽👽

  6. Hyuna has been trying hard for years.

    Cube is a shit agency (we all know that) and Korean fans are terribly toxic. We must let her know (by instagram or other) that we adore her, that she is a great artist and that NO ONE can say otherwise

  7. I hate these people!! Asian fans are toxic! She can't do anything right. I've been a loyal fan since 2011 and it breaks my heart to remember how mean and rude people have always been to her. From calling her a whore and slut to complaining about how she's not sexy and got "fat" . People are toxic!!

  8. i need help understanding why everyone is just coming at the k-fans. seriously, some comments are pretty offensive and rude and not every k-fan does that. many i-fans do that as well.

  9. – hyuna did post about her relationship with edawn on her instagram, but the original news source is Yonhap. she and edawn went to them and Yonhap published their statement.
    – the 500 universe refunding their tickets thing is not true btw, and the tickets that were refunded happened before the rumors
    – it's EDAWN not EDWAN 😭

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