1. thankyou Sir for this video, i have practiced martial arts for over 40 years and now that i am 60 i feel a change coming over my body, these excersises are great.

  2. If you have knee replacement and hip replacement like me who over 60 as hard to get back up of the floor would say these examples are for every one not just over 60s .

  3. good video,keep in mind how important stretching is before a workout,learn how to loosen up and stretch properly and start off with light stretching before going harder ,

  4. Don't you love it that a young guy knows the right exercises?

    As you age you need exercises that produce muscle,heart lung endurance & speed and none of these shown do it.

    Ride a stationery bike set low/mid resistance spin fast rest& repeat.
    Do shuffle leg movements holding on to wall in front and move legs fast,do boxing and fast dance movements.

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