1. Hi thank you for this information. You mentioned mtc oil mainly is from coconut oil so would you say coconut oil is still pretty healthy cause I mainly use only coconut oil.

  2. Conflicting information everywhere about eating fats. Are saturated fats “good” for heart? My physicians recommend olive oil for salads & cooking rather than higher saturated fats. MCT is higher in saturated fat than olive oil.
    Found this online:

    “Eating foods that contain saturated fats raises the level of cholesterol in your blood. High levels of LDL cholesterol in your blood increase your risk of heart disease and stroke.”
    American Heart Association › fats

    Can you shed light on MCT? Okay daily? Every once in awhile?

  3. I love avocados but nearly impossible to get where i live in remote, rural Alaska. Any suggestions? Also recently found out i react to walnuts and pecans. What can we do if we cant eat some of these foods?

  4. Wow! This is my first video of yours. What a wonderful presentation. We seldom find someone, who is up-to-date on true information rather than the propaganda from medical and government nutrition "experts."

  5. How does this high fat diet work with people whose fat runs right through them? So I have found the coconut oil gives me less runs. But butter and meat fats are giving me the runs.

  6. Not all doctors but the medical field in the AMA in particular have notoriously proven how insane the medical community can get their nutritional guidelines over the last 20 years if you'll follow them are steeped in insane thinking that's because a high percentage of the AMA are literally insane doctors not all not like you you seem like a nice person who wants to help people but I got to tell you I don't trust any doctors only the ones I get to know…

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