1. My 8 year old daughter is really struggling with her weight, she hates exercise and we really struggle to get her moving.. she’s very tall for her age but is currently in clothes 4 years above her actual age and gets funny looks as her tummy is quite big so we really need to help her shift the weight as I hate the thought of her getting older and probably getting picked on due to her weight. This video is fantastic! All three of my kids did it together after school today and loved it so I’m going to make them do it daily before they are allowed to go on any of their devices! Hoping it’ll be the start of a fitter life for my little girl! Thank you so so much for doing these videos for the kids! As a parent I really do struggle to make exercise fun for her but these short bursts make is somehow seem like less of a chore for her! Huge thumbs up! 👍🏻

  2. Definitely going to try these with my kids. My son has recently been diagnosed with dyspraxia so anything that will help his core is great for him! And 5 mins is so doable! Delighted you did these Joe!

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