1. I did it!! I can't believe it! Although I had to do low plank for most of the side plank parts because high side plank hurts my hands after a few seconds… thanks for this awesome workout!

  2. Hi..im so glad ive done your workout its been more than a week and it feels like your workout has solidified my chest truly..honestly..the top of my chest feels so big and solid real fast in little time..

  3. Hey, I like your videos! This was a good one, but I was wondering if you would try something new/silly in your next video: I was recently at a class when we did planks for beginners. They used a balloon as a “training wheel” where we’d put the balloon under our hips in a forearm plank and push down to ensure we kept our butts down! It worked well and helped us establish a form. Next we grabbed a second balloon and tried to keep it in the air hitting it with our alternating hands while maintaining the balloon planks! Finally at the end we pushed down far enough to pop the balloon, but had to try to keep our hips from touching the ground! It was a super fun exercise, try it in your next video!

  4. Hi Rebecca! I just wanted to ask, I’ve always wanted to try doing this 200 crunches a day challenge but after I’ve done like 20 crunches, I get neck strains or neck pain. 🙁 I don’t know if it’s because my body weight’s too heavy, or if my form’s just wrong. But I try to correct it and I watch my form and do my crunches carefully! If anybody knows how to fix this, I’d appreciate the help 🙂 Also, I think it might be caused by back pain, or neck pain? Aghhh, Please helppp

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