1. Thanks guys for inspiring me i have pushed up my energy levels a bit higher and am now able to do 100 pulls ups in under 10mins .Keep up with your good work and God bless

  2. First of all, thanks for the vid Bam Baam, just found out about you and Team Semi. I've been doing calisthenics for about a year using gymnastic rings in my garage. Recently I’ve plateaued and I found your guys channels helpful. I switched up my routines from 1hr workouts with 2-3min rest between sets to 30min workouts with as little rest as possible. I’m saving a lot of time and I feel like I’m getting MORE of a workout in the shorter amount of time. My Push workout the other day using this method was killer! I did 120-ish reps (high volume for me) over push-ups and dips using my rings (120 reps total, not each). First time in a long time that I’ve felt my chest burning and I’ve got some serious DOMS. Feels good, I think this new approach has helped me break through my plateau. 

    Second of all, I noticed in another video your were doing Front Lever Pull-Ups. Did you train Front Lever specifically or did you get it from your pul-up training?


  3. I would imagine it would still be a good workout to do as many as you can (in a time period) and doing them slower and more controlled. That's kind of what I do. I do some slow, controlled ones, and some faster ones, mixing it up. As long as you go to failure and give it 100%, it seems like it would be beneficial to me. Just my 2 cents. Thoughts, anyone?

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