1. Wow that was intense! The basketball jumps burned like hell the second time, and I could swear you sped yourself up doing the last exercise 😉 But in all honest, I feel like I did something for my body so I'm so excited to see where I'll be in a week! My goal is to fit back into my favorite pair of jeans for my holiday in three weeks, fingers crossed🤞🏻

    Update: I did it everyday for a week and only lost 1 cm around my waist. I first that kinda demotivied me but my jeans feel looser and I feel fitter. At the end of the day the numbers don‘t matter, if my jeans fit they fit! I‘m gonna continue with 3 days high-intensity workouts plus a kickbox class and a dance class and still watching what I eat, I think I‘m off to a good start though!

  2. I’m gonna tell you guys what happens

    Day 1: It was hard I was dying on the first one and you had to go as fast as you could I was dying see you tomorrow!

  3. im going to be doing this along w her lower belly workout 10 mins for a week so
    keep in mind i have been already doing that one for a LONG time (i have seen results btw) so my body is a bit used to it and also im going to be doing 200 crunches w/ this so yeah

    1. the only thing that BURNED was my thighs in the first one i mean i was out of breath but i really enjoyed it

  4. Its work very well.. But before trying this you should warm up 3 days then try this otherwise you don't do this and the result is you injured.. So hopefully everybody understand my point.. Good Luck 👍

  5. I'm on day 2 of this challenge and am absolutely loving this workout! I actually did it twice today. I'll update on my results as long as my comment doesn't get lost! Also, I'm combining it with her 8 minute intense flat stomach workout AND her summer legs workout. I'm already in pretty good shape but I'm trying to tone up a bit before volleyball tryouts!
    Before: I'm 5'7, 140lbs, and my waist is 28.5in. :))

  6. DAY ONE: I just finished my day one it was hard but not that much and I'm going to update for a week btw im 51kg❤️wish me luck

    DAY TWO:i just finished the workout and I'm still trying to catch my breath 😂. No difference yet but it's still the second day tho..BTW im doing 200 crunches before heading to bed
    See y'all tomorrow 💜💜

    DAY THREE: omg this was more harder today but i feel like i did the exercise better than any other day to be honest i was not going to do it today but i told my self that i need this to change my hole life and to make me love my self more❤️❤️❤️never give up guys "fighting "


    DAY FOUR: after the rest day my body was crying to do this workout especially my thighs but i did it😩

    DAY FIVE: OMG I'm dead🙂🙂
    i feel my heart beating in my head don't ask how but that's how I'm feeling rn😂🤦🏻‍♀️…i don't see a difference yet but definitely feeling more energetic through out the day and i can feel my abs by touching I'm happy and I'll keep on updating 💜💜💜

  7. Completed the workout today.
    Aug 1 : Waist 34 in.
    Weight 125 lbs.

    Aug 7 : Waist 33 in.
    Weight 124 lbs.

    I did this workout every morning before any meal for 7 days, also watched what I ate and kept
    a calorie deficit of 1200, and did 30-minute treadmill interval runs every afternoon. This workout definitely works but should be in conjunction with portioned meals. I still have a long way to go to achieve my desired weight of 115 lbs and a waist of 29 in. but it's achievable. Will continue to exercise!

  8. This looks great but surely you can't TARGET belly fat, you can just burn fat from your body in general, wherever you put on your fat, and of course do toning exercises for the belly? I'm not trying to rain on your parade though! I think you're great 😁

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