1. I'm 16 and all my life I weighed 11stone but I weighed myself recently and actually saw I've put on 2 stone. Everyday I try and do your exercises before bed as it helps me too. My legs are my biggest insecurity so I'll be making sure about doing this everyday

  2. I just made the 16 min walk or jog,😁(one walking has to be, I love it) then this and after the new 4 min ab workout, so I've the minutes I normally daily do. I feel so great now, specially my inner knees. I've two knee replacements and the fat on the inside of the knees bothers me. I had terrible x shaped legs since I was a child and with my replacements they're straight, but I've still that fat there 🙄 I feel this workout hit that part, so I'm so so happy ❤

  3. I absolutely love this video. Especially the exercise when you sit up and down on the chair. At my age, I need to practise that more. Thank you for keeping me young in my old age.

  4. Lucy, though i am following your several workouts or others workout before also.. But the main problem i am facing is my other parts of the body getting slimmer/toned but the Belly fat contains a little change. Or i can say it always swelling.. Maybe more or less. But can not flat… What should I do? Please help me out..

  5. Lucy you are the trainer i trust most. Always very professional and classy but never boring.Off topic but can you please tell me whether side bends and other moves that works obliques cause widening of the waist. Some trainers says we shouldn't work side muscles if we want slimmer waist. Thank you.

  6. Lucy… your Rainbow move❣️🌈 👏🏻💖
    I was just cruising your YouTube channel and saw your video on this move. I have trouble with my hips (I had surgery on both to fix cartilage tears and then had pneumonia, so I’m a bit de-conditioned). I hurt so much trying to do this – both hips are still pretty weak. But I’ll be doing this as one of your 7-Day Challenges next, after this week’s Suggested Workout, to help me get stronger, fitter, healthier.
    Thank you for everything❣️👏🏻🎁👑💪🏻💖

  7. Lucy, love the workout💕. Thank you so much for all you do to make getting fit fun and easy!!! Have you thought about doing the monthly challenges like you did a couple of years ago? I loved waking up 6. Or I get out of 7 and having a workout. It was the best!!👭😘🤸‍♂️💃💗

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