1. Good video brother!! I just found your channel and was listening/watching it today. I started adding more intermittent fasting in February this year. I have been following the Eat Stop Eat method (5:2), which extends to one or two 48 hour fasts a week. I have continued to experiment with extending up to a 72 hour fast.

  2. Awesome! I also used fasting. But I fasted, and fast, every day, until dinner.

    But, before I started the fast, I had already given up all grains, dairy, sugar. I had never been a soda drinker, so that was never missed.

    My daily meal consist of, a small piece of chicken, or fish, and vegetables, organic.
    I went from 301 to 175 in less than a year. Finally, after 10+yrs, I'm off blood pressure medication, and weaning off my last medication.
    I use essentia ph9, during fasting. I began seeing more clearly, as if my mind was de-cluttered. I now sleep almost 3 hours less, than I did in the past, with much more energy, and my bloodwork — in which, all markers show potential, for diabetes, and heart disease — now, are perfect. Even my doctors are amazed at the transformation.
    I'm also proof, that fasting, triggering autophagy, works

  3. I have asthma 24/7 . I take preventatives everyday. I started a Keto diet one month ago cutting carbs and sugar. When I stopped eating bread my asthma stopped within a week. 20 years of wheezing gone! I've also lost 22 lbs. so far and I've started intermittent fasting last week and I'm losing a pound every couple days. I'm 5' 11” and my starting weight was 290.7 and I'm down to 268.7 today.

  4. Thanks for sharing. Change your attitude, change your life. The real problem is also america food industries poison your body with sugar and craps chemical we don't know about.

  5. New sub here, your talk checked all the boxes for me & what I've been struggling with. So today I will eat, drink & be merry & tomorrow I will do my first day of alternate day fasting 🥳
    Thank you for posting this.

  6. It hasn’t worked because you are still vastly overweight. You don’t need to fast. He need a balanced low carb diet and plenty of cardio. That’s it. Why are you broadcasting this as though it’s some kind of achievement? Eat less and exercise more. Have you ever tried just doing that? It’s your problem and one that society doesn’t need a quirky fix for.

  7. He spends a few minutes saying he's just a normal guy that was gaining weight. At 3:10 he says he was fasting on alternate days.
    After a few seconds there, you can skip to 7:33 to hear what he did.

  8. Starving yourself is not healthy which is what “fasting” means, it started with the lies from religion. You don’t need to starve yourself to lose weight, you just need to eat healthy and exercise. By starving yourself your depleting your body of vitamins, minerals and proteins it needs to function properly and by that I mean all the organs of your body, such as your heart and your brain etc…. I felt so weak and sick when I starved myself years ago, my oldest brother was unhappy with me cause I was hurting myself with that and he was concerned for my health and life. There was a Arab guy I knew from a university I attended years ago he got cancer after breaking his fasting, him and his family had a big meal and wine then after came the cancer.

  9. I just found this video. Thank you for sharing this. I am working toward going down your path. I am just starting, but I am glad to find other people online that show me what is possible. I know this is from few years ago, but I still how you are making videos and keeping us up-to-date with your continuing Journey.

  10. I'm the same dimensions as you. I dry fast for a week twice a year. Now I fast every second day. Like you, I eat what I want, and I keep slim. I don't weigh myself, I watch which notch on my belt I'm at.

  11. I cannot fast for an entire day because of the medications I'm on that require me to eat something but I do fast 16 hours a day and have an 8 hour. In which I can eat so they call it the 8-16 fast

  12. I did the intermittent fasting first a couple of years ago and lost a butt load of weight was @ 320 at 5’6 went down to 210, in like 7 to 8 months. Now i want to try this day fasting plan

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