1. Hey Matt, I too love a hardtail, nothing like that feel of power going right to the rear wheel but like you I don’t think I would like being beat up by the stiffness. Have you ever tried a mid fat hardtail or also called a plus bike? My Salsa is a plus bike, it is versatile 27.5 or 29” wheels and up to 3” wide and just 12 psi, the large volume tires really soften the trail and are so forgiving when you miss your line. I’m running 29X3” tires right now, I love the confidence I get and comfort. They are a good choice for desert riding like here in New Mexico, rocky sandy trails are no problem. Just curious about your thoughts, maybe it’s something you already tried, they are not for everyone but if you love hardtail bikes, I think they are way cool and don’t get much credit.

  2. Reeb =beer backwards what's not to like ? They have some of the best looking bikes I've seen well for a very long time. Hand made the way that yeti, the Schwinn homegrowns and the top of the line gt's used to be made but better newer more efficient and way sexier. I got to say it doesn't hurt having Jeff Lenosky on board but maybe I should just shut up and ride.

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