1. Exercise 1: preacher curls 3×10. Exercise 2: concentration curls 3×10. Exercise 3: hammer curls 3×10. Exercise 4: rope pushdowns 3×10. Exercise 5: machine dips 3×10. Exercise 6: tricep extentions 3×10.

  2. Bodybuilders are like women that don't want guys to know they like to fck. They don't wanna give out the secrets. They talk about this or that. Im 510 and 215 pounds,great shape. Nobody tells you that you need to have the muscle get to it's limit,then drop the weight, then repeat. That's how you get growth.
    These mfkers don't tell you that. They distract you with random sht that doesn't matter. The truth is,you need to do isolated workouts for muscles that you know need work. Like if your right bicep is bigger than your left,then you need to work your left bicep more.
    Setup your weight so that you can only do about 8 reps,then rest for 20 seconds and drop the weight by about 10 pounds. Rinse and repeat until you reach "muscle failure" which is the point where your muscle can't contract anymore. Then,rest 20 seconds and go to another workout (calleed compound workouts) because you're working multiple muscles simultaneously.
    If you spent 30 minutes working out shoulders, you're gonna get a mad compound workout if you do barbell curls right after. The pump will be noticeable and you will feel that tightness we all love.

  3. Just fucking eat people make sure you get at least a pound of peotien or 1.5 I do 1.5 arms over 21s. Don't make it complicating.

    If they don't grow after a few days then hammer them again but this time MORE FOOD AKA CALORIES CLEAN FUCKING MOFOS. Not this IFFYM shit. 100% They will grow you don't need a person to tell you that shit. Fuck.

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