1. 🚨IMPORTANT🚨hi guys if you can answer my question please do. Okay so I’m pretty skinny I’m 5’10 and I weigh about 126 pounds and my biceps are smaller than the rest of my arm and I’m really insecure about it and I don’t know if its because I don’t have any muscle or I’m just so skinny. So should I try to gain weight or just workout or both? I don’t want to have super muscular arms though

  2. Love love love these.>>>ur2.pl/1190 Perfect for lifting at home and a better price option then just continuing to buy a set at every weight when I need them. Easy to quickly switch weight, not too bulky (though takes some getting used to), and gotta love the free Amazon shipping for such a heavy package!

  3. Tack för att du finns 💪❤ utan dina videos så hade jag inte blivit så inspirerad som jag är nu! Du och ditt sätt taggar mig till tusen! Får mig att vilja prova på nya saker, vågar få mig att ta för mig på gymmet. Du har hjälpt mig att bli mer säker. För du har något som jag vill ha och jag ser upp till dig. Så tack Hanna! Du är grym 💪❤

  4. Hey I love your videos😍 Can you say on your videos how many set and reps you topically do and if you start with higher weight or lower weight. Thanks again for your videos.# body goals

  5. So Strong and Beautiful!! You are goals!!! I love your channel but I wish you would do at home workouts for people who don't go to the gym, like me..Thank You😘

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