1. It's a very helpful tip for leg work. That's so amazing. My goal is to strengthen my legs muscularly and tone it up. I start doing leg works three times a week last September. After watching your video, and you mentioned that I only need a leg works once a week, not three times a week? Other two days – it could be shoulder/chest and biceps/triceps works, correct? I noticed that my legs aren't getting anywhere to be tone up yet. I want to make sure if I understand it right. Anyone feedback on it, and would be to appreciate that much. Thanks.

  2. Ashley thank you for designing such a great workout program. I am working overseas in Afghanistan and my friend and I have been following your 100 day program. It is definitely challenging but well worth it and we get excited to see the results from our efforts. So thank you for designing a great program for us to follow.

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