1. Consider looking into Emotional Freedom Technique. It may help you with the emotional drivers for the eating. Keep in mind that food increases your insulin and that in turn will increase dopamine ( very short term, feel good, brain hormone).

  2. Awwwwwww 😊🙌🏾I loved when you hubby stepped in and saved the day by saying it’s not a failure it’s a SETBACK 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 That was inspirational for not only you but all of us on this journey👍🏽

  3. That’s ok to enjoy your treats once in a while you are only human ..we all have to enjoy life . You got this no worries on your treats your staying committed you got this ❤️ Today is a new day

  4. Although you may not have "lost weight" on the scale. Your face is getting smaller. Weightloss is a mental challenge as well. Have you thought of trying weightloss hypnosis or affirmations? There are plenty available on YouTube. My favorite is by David McGraw. Try the 30 day weightloss challenge.

  5. Keep Czapin the weight lets go . I hope you will try prolong fasting and low cal refeeds . I heard you said your sister didnt see any results. But i believe with some longer fast will help you burn bodyfat .

  6. One of my few goals I set for myself each month is to track my food regardless of how bad it is. We are living life and some days are just plain going to be bad! But by being committed to tracking it daily I stay grounded in my mission and journey to lose weight!

  7. Inspirational video and I admire you for that and this will really help a lot of people loose weight. There's also this 21 day flat belly program that would also help you lose weight. The secret to losing weight without any more exercise than you're getting now without ever feeling like you're on a diet.

    Me personally have tried this system and it gave me amazing results.


  8. Helen what I like about you is that you are staying committed to recording your journey regardless of whether or not you have a set back. You keep trying day after day and I sincerely hope one day I will also be strong enough to do that.

  9. I like to look up the nutritional value of the foods I eat. If it's crazy high in calories and sodium, it's easy for me to say no, BUT I know saying no to those fast, sugary things is easier said than done. You've worked so hard and just keep fighting for the health you deserve!

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