1. Current weight-67.50 kg
    Target – 55 kg
    Height – 5.3'
    I m going to start this workout from today and I will post the status of weight after every two days 😊 wish me luck

  2. I have been implementing this weight loss program “Yamzοkο Weebly” (Google it) for a few weeks today and until now I adore them! I have the energy I want without having controlling my urge for food without having making me really feel jittery. I did nothing special on my diet program and i also still find a way to get rid of my weight to 7 pounds. .

  3. I became so thrilled to test the dietary regimen “Yamzοkο Weebly” (Google it). My very own diet plan and also my consistency of few work outs wasn`t altered and change. In only a short time of 1 month, I already lost 6 lbs. The procedure has allow me to consumed less and becoming full is a lot quicker. .

  4. I Am a 12year girl and doing this workout since 5 days and seeing some results but my knees,back,thighs etc hurt alot after and while doing this just because I have very less vitamin D & C in my body. The doctor said that a girl of my age should minimum have 30% of vitamin D but I only have 10%. Please help me I'm really conscious about my weight cause it's 60kgs. I have the potential to loose my weight but I could not because of these problems. Please help me mam😭😭😭

  5. I m sorry I can't do 4 I going to start with 1 circuit a week then the next 2 then the next week 3 and then the last week 4 so that way my body still has to work harder each week it's pretty smart if you ask me 😀

  6. 😢😢😢😭😭😭im so under congident about by body ….i always compare my self with others …i want to look good so i starting workout from today…wish me luck…

  7. So I’ve sprained my ankle but I want to lose weight so for the 1 week left of wearing the boot I have I will be doing the workouts that are not going to effect my ankle

  8. So I'm like 45 kg and I'm 19 years but i look fat.. I'm not that fat but I'd say i have medium body size, i think i need to lose like 5 kg so I'm gonna start from now, thanks to u!

  9. My body hurts after I do this 2 set workout in just one day.What should I do to relieve my body pain?Please somebody help me,I just want to complete this workout to have a

  10. I really wanna loose weight…and I think that this workout plan will surely help me…
    I wish to have a flat tummy..
    I will tell u the results after a week..😊😊
    Wish me luck please…really needed

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