1. Not bad at all, and he's got a sense of humor. I've done approximate variations of some of these moves throughout the years without knowing they were plank exercises. I'll definitely add this to my personal workout arsenal, which has been lacking of late.

  2. Are they Maryland colors i see?. liking the videos, heavy set here. seriously considering planks to begin., question/suggestion> what times do you suggest each of the positions from a default time i been doing 2 mins ,break 30seconds, then 2 mins ? agree looks like yeah so easy omg………………..

  3. You already know there’s a bunch of kids between the age of 12 and 14 watching these because they aren’t allowed at a gym yet and I’m one of those!

  4. Hey yo tpindell can you do some fitness vids on how you eat like what your surplus is or caloric deficit and also any supplements you use. Thanks and keep it up looking good.

  5. Didnt know there was so much plank variants the normal forearm one is rediculously easy for I feel nothing trying to be as flat as can be but that push up on looks challenging

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