1. Hey rebecca my name is natalee and my bf his name is alex and hes 16 and he is Russian but he got adopted from russia a longtime ago I think when he was really little but now he lives in texas like 3 hours away from me better than a whole other country and my bestfriend caleigh is from Malaysia which is down from Russia and and she been to America where I live because this is where her grandma lives but she practically lived in Malaysia and now she lives in Texas and goes to school where I go so interesting!

  2. from DENMARK! omg this is litterally my favorite arm workout with weights at the moment! love it! i´ve seen such good results allready! i feel so strong!

  3. Hey Rebecca and Arina! I'm Tania, also Russian but living in New Zealand. It is winter here and just amazing weather fo doing all the workouts! I always try to promote Rebecca's program to my Russian friends 🙂 cheers girls thanks for this 5minute burner- I'm typing and can feel that burn in my arms! Yay!

  4. Greetings from Minsk, Belarus! 🤙🏿
    Actually, it would be super great to create a nutrition plan for a specific geographical area. E.g. products that we can buy in Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia etc. sometimes deffer dramatically from the ones that you can buy in, say, US. And the rythm of living and climate are also not quite the same. So if you can make a special localized plans and calendars it would be just awesome ☺️ #icanfeeltheburn

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