1. I really want to listen to core rap or heavy metals songs working out and lifting weights, and not fragile Celine/Mariah kind of songs like I’m the gym to workout my butt.

  2. Hip-Hop is very undeniable… without it, I really might not exist. 😲 What about you? 😏anyways, I am only juss typing this cuz I like this approach… not bad (I prefer to shake things up, lol) – if you appreciate lyrical ish (just think Nas+ Emienm + Kendrick) then I believe you are going to like my YouTube stream…. also if you really do not enjoy it , there is a 100 % money back guarantee 😂😂 like I can guarantee any the money I've spent on my video, I WON'T get back 😌#dopeHipHop who's #BetterKid?

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