1. Man I HATE walking lunges!..Especially when you really start feeling them& it feels like you can tip to the left or to the right in any minute 😥

  2. Sumo to goblet 4×10
    Elected hip thrust 4×10
    Walking lunges 4×10 steps each way (upright torso)
    Rdl 4×10
    Standing calf raise 4×10
    With elevated platform
    Russian twists (3×50,25 each side)

  3. Great workout and I can't wait to hit it hard next time I am at the gym. Once this series is done…I would love to see something geared for old 48 year olds like me. We like to get buffed too!!!!! Bam!!!!

  4. What a great combination of dumbbell exercises. Just some points I want to raise.
    1. If Goblet squats don't seem to cut it due to little weight. I take two dumbbells and place them across top of chest and add some squeeze activation.
    2. If you don't have space for walking, you could do a front to back lunge combo.
    3.some would dispute that hip thrusters and glute bridge are two different exercises. And I would place two dumbbells across top of thighs but the barbell variation is more preferred for this.

  5. Create a buff dudes training montage. Badass workout music with the buff dudes literally just working out in the back ground. I usually workout to rocky training montage so something else to mix it up would be kool. Gives me extra motivation.

  6. I like the single leg deadlift when at home with dumbbells. Adds to balance, core and ankle stability. Just stand by wall eg right shoulder for right leg in case needed.

  7. would be nice if u could do a goku workout same like u did with batman workout haha, i personalyl think its entertaining lmao

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