1. Billy Blanks you are more than 3 decades older than I am and in much better shape. Thats why Im doing you're workouts sir. Keep doing it! 🏋🏽‍♂️✊🏽

  2. Been doing Tae bo since the late 90s! I remember the infomercials for the workout and got the tae bo VHS tapes! Then DVD's in the 2000's. I was 20 then now 42.
    Always loyal to Tae Bo! God Bless you Billy! Keep them coming in 2020!

  3. I used his videos to lose 50 pounds about two years ago. I just started working out again this week because I feel like I'm falling out of shape, and I can't wait to build myself back up and do this workout!

  4. I need to loose 80 pounds for health. I'm very fat and disappointed. I was looking for something easy to star working out. I will try this tomorrow. I hope it helps me loose weight. God please help me. Thank you Mr. Blanks for this video.

  5. My mom started her excercise journey with you years ago! I remember doing those excercises with her for fun, now as a mother myself I'm doing them to better myself. Thank you Billy for coming back! You don't disappoint!💪

  6. I'm so excited to see Billy back with new stuff! I Taebo to lose my baby weight and ended up losing a lot more. I can't wait to see the next installment of BoomBoxing!! Thanks Billy!!!

  7. I discovered you in my late 20s I’m 40 I’m not jacked no more but I’m still eating clean and in shape but I want to be more muscular like in my 20s I’m trying One day I was giving the punching bag the business at the gym and someone who was professionally trained asked me if I took some classes na man Billy blanks taught me that 🦵

  8. OMG!!! I am so glad you are back!! I found you over 22 year ago after I had my son and lost 20 pounds I was hooked! I STILL have the VH cassettes! You remain the KING OF KICKBOXING!! 🙌🏾

  9. billyyyyyyyy yes your back your going to be my trainer for the next 6 months,i lost 2 stone and toned up so amazing with tae bo 10 years ago..thankyou,,im so happy to see you back..and you look great

  10. 73 Billy! You helped me 20 yrs ago drop 25 lbs put on from when I stopped smoking. Have been exercising since. Did an old one of yours today. Doing this tmw. Have no boxing gloves,. Will do it without,! Keep walking or jogging & working out everyone: Doesn’t matter what your age! You are an inspiration!!!

  11. I know we chipped because I was just looking for my mothers taebo vhs telling her how billy blanks is the truth and the ONLY at home workout I enjoy that’s effective

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