1. Thank you Sir for helping me to save my life and change it for the better. I was 1st introduced to you YEARS AGO and after a bad accident and major health scare found you again thanks to my husband's suggestion as he has been working out with you for 16 yrs now. We even have our 13 yr old and 18 yr old daughters working out to your videos on DVD and here on your channel. 1 daughter is a purple belt and the oldest is a brown belt in Aikido, they make me look bad with my kicks as their kicks are WAY better than mine. Lol. Thank you for what you do to get people like me healthy, mentally and physically. Keep doing what you do.

  2. OMG! Billy Blanks is the core of every exercise program out there: Strong, Body combat, kick boxing, etc, etc., just to name a few. I see his work in everyone of these new programs. Sorry, it had to be said, and I said it. I have been following his routines since the 90's. Yeah, I am almost 55 😉

  3. Muchas gracias por tus videos, soy Española, y tengo 60 años, tengo buena forma fisica gracias a tus videos, los hago todos,el mejor ENTRENADOR,gracias

  4. me gustaria que esten doblados al español todos tus videos de entrenamiento. Sos el mejor y no hay muchos videos doblados…. Saludos desde Argentina

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