1. Prayer and fasting brother, prayer and fasting. Diets don’t work for the long term but God does, so stay strong in your faith and remember that God knows what you’re feeling and going through. God allows Satan to temp you as at test of your faith to look to him for strength and guidance. Every time you feel like giving in remember the saying about the Angel and the devil on your shoulders. God is watching you as your are being temped, you hear him he’s that little voice that’s saying don’t give while the other voice is saying you deserve a cheat day, your too tired to workout or whatever Satan decides to use to sway you from your goals. Read James 2:14-26, our salvation is proven by our good works and its because of Gods grace that he has given us a new heart. Satan continuously tries to sway us through temptation. It’s the works of prayer and fasting that helps to remind us not to give into worldly pleasures. 
    Matthew 4:1-11 teaches how God even allowed Jesus to be tempted in the wilderness.

    Stay strong brother much love and many blessings.

  2. I'm so stoked about your upcoming keto diet!! I really, really want to see how that goes so I can possibly start the keto diet too! So encouraging! Thanks for the video!

  3. That's amazing, I can see lots of definition forming!
    Excellent before and after's, wow!
    Good not to be discouraged with the scale as muscle development will have an impact

    Plateau's are quite normal
    Weight lifting will increase testosterone
    Between the Keto diet and weight training you will lose lots!

    God bless you, smiling for you Nick! 😃

  4. Nick your body is looking better every week!! I'm so glad you realize you're building muscle while still losing fat!! I'm excited for you beginning this new adventure with the keto diet! I really do believe this will be a HUGE step in getting your weight to stop from coming back!!
    Very very proud of you!

  5. You are doing great! You can soooooo see the difference!! Tell me more on the keto stuff. I need to do that. You really are looking great! Proud of you=)

  6. You’re going on TRT?! Awesome. You’re going to see the fat FLY off. Do the keto, lift weights a lot, and you’ll see great things. I lost 160lb on keto + TRT so I’m excited to see what you can do.

    Get my fitness pal and track all your food. Get a digital scale.

  7. I'm glad your trying keto… it does work….there are some great recipes on YouTube…. I've really loss and maintained..this is not a diet let it be your new normal….I've been on keto since January loss 88 lbs… God bless praying for your success…the hardest thing is sugar…I found pyure at Walmart it's a blend stevia and erythritol… doesn't leave funky after taste… I found this diet by accident…I was researching dementia… That's how I found keto and there are a lot of good recipes here on YouTube..Keto Connect… Katherine Michelle…and others….

  8. Goood morning🤗🤗 wow your looking good!!!!😍😍😍 The dreadfull scale😔😔😣😣😮😮 You gained muscle🤗🤗🤗🤗😍😍😍😍😍 I weigh in today😲😲😔😔😣😣😁😁 Love the perks🤗🤗❤❤❤❤❤ oh know 🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓😅😅😅 Help I cant breath 😲😲😲😮😮😮😮😁😁😁😁😃😃 Patreon is better❤❤ I dont do online stuff. A very little fb. I have 56 friends on fb😁😁😁 sooooo popular 😅😅😅😅😅😂😂😂😂😋 Ill let you know if I lost or gained. Have a nice day🤗🤗🤗❤❤❤❤

  9. Absolutely amazing God bless you in the name of Jesus Christ.
    I believe that you are doing very well matter of fact I'm trying to lose weight myself I just turned 45 and having a little bit of trouble but I have faith in God that it's going to get much more better I can see a difference every day

  10. "Sometimes we have to make a big hole to fix a smaller hole" – Sandy from Alice's Sewing Shop, 2007
    Once you have more muscle cells, they'll be leaner AND the extra new muscle cells will be collectively hungrier once you gain a bunch of new ones. At some point they will want more fuel than your body can pack on (from storage mode) and you'll be on that downwards journey again.

  11. You're doing great !!! The clean shave looks very nice on you !!! You can do this !!! Pray, and ask the Lord to help, and to encourage you, by His Holy Spirit !!! I love your prophecy channel !!! Please keep it going !!! You are not alone Brother !!! Praying for you !!! You're doing fantastic !!!

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