1. Estoy muy feliz porque estuve pesando 63kg y en 20 días he bajado 3kg y todo desde que comence con Les Mills con los 45'. los felicito chicos son geniales sus rutinas te hacen sudar sin necesidad de echarse alguna quemador en el cuerpo. Sigan gravando mas videos son muy motivadores.

  2. I used to do Bodycombat religiously 3-4 times a week but I’ve been out for almost a year with acute shin pain. Now, I’m out of shape but my doctor will release me hopefully next month. Doing this at home will help me get back to the grind and not look like a complete idiot. It’s addicting.

  3. Guys, c'mon, that's bull. The moves are decent, but the music absolutely sucks – no drive, no nothing. And I even didn't get tired 22 minutes into the workout at full power. In BC66, for example, I would've died by that time. Here – just several drops of sweat.
    Dan, Rach, you can do sooooo much better than that…

  4. Incredible workout for even the laziest of us all! For those wanting to start working out, it's perfectly safe (did this workout without the jumps and lowered the intensity a bit due to a twisted ankle) but you'll fall in love with LesMills instantly! Love the endorphin rush I'm feeling at the moment <3

  5. I just finished the whole program! I remember the first 7min workout we did at the beginning! It was just a standard body combat warm up and I was able to do it but I broke a sweat in the WARM UP which seriously surprised me!! Now I can do 43min of this stuff. Yesss!!

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