1. I love you idea of the shoulder press. I'm in my 50's and having that much more control over the shoulder press allows me to save the unnecessary ear and tear on my body.

  2. So I just started working out. First I found Vshred, then I wisened up and found Jeff Cavaliere. I think I will stick with Jeff and Ryan! Both fantastic, in my opinion.

  3. Great workout! I started with P90X, then Mike Chang (6 pack abs days), then Athlean X faithfully for years for workout change-ups. This channel is a really great breath of fresh air. Keep up the quality!

  4. He should show his physique progress over the years, to prove the exercises work. He was on gear 6 years ago and I have a hard time believing his results came just from exercising correctly.

  5. More desperate bro-science. You can’t disengage your delts and triceps during a chest press. No more than you can disengage your chest doing the same movement. You can try, but that is complete folly. Your brain doesn’t have special powers to do that just because you’re, “trying” to do something that is physically impossible.

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