1. I did this WO today. 3 rounds. It was thug!
    I found r2 and r3 the hardest one.

    I see that in the burpees you don’t go down and do the push-up part. I tried this and I noticed that you need to control the movement with your core and it is much harder on the stomach… it pushes you also to get up faster since the plank position is not a walk in the park. 🙂

    Do you do this intentionally?

    Have a nice day.


  2. Hi. Could you please tell me how did you become so proficient in burpees? I studied your video multiple times but i can't make them so perfect no matter how hard i try. Your feet barely touch the ground and you land on your hands so smooth…it's like you are weightless, and it's that transition i'm interested in. Me on the other hand i need to land and then explode me feet back…look on the floor etc etc. If i squat first and put me hands on the ground me burpee looks decent but i want to become more efficient. I tried hands outside the knees, hands inside the knees. Not squatting at all seems like the best way to go about it. Maybe you can give me some tips. Thank you

  3. Obviously, it's the best Channel to reach my 6 pack goal.
    Thank you, not too much speak and more effective exemple. You go straight to what we have to do.
    Congrats from France.

  4. Simply beautiful. This channel is what I strive for my channel to become. Your fitness level is absolutely incredible, the background is equally as epic. Love it man, definitely subscribed.

  5. This ia such a great routine, Kris!
    I tried it and found it fantastic because it targets all the body parts. This routine is now my warmup before every workout. Thanks man.

  6. Always enjoy watching Kris at work. Very inspiring, especially at present here in the North of England where it's pretty cold…but probably nothing compared to Scandinavia. Hope to see more this year. Thanks.

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