1. Hey guys! So this is a throwback to the JK workout that I did back in May, but I decided to add in some of our BTS cardio routines. Make sure you watch the beginning to hear me talk about that particular JK workout video 😆 Also, after doing his workout again, I’ve realized more than ever that cardio is my strength. I definitely know that. So push-ups is something that I need to work on and I’m definitely motivated now to make them better. Either way, just do the best you can on these moves. Let me know what you think! ❤️

  2. The best Jungkook workout on the internet! The perfect mix of cardio, strength, stretching and BTS! Thank you so much for this gem! I will be adding it to my weekly workout routine.

  3. Thanks, Jen! 💜 Love the Black Swan!🦢🖤 Also, same, I like my cardio and I'm a cyclist, so my push ups totally suck, haha. It is the one exercise I've never been good at.

  4. I love your work outs, and don't blame yourself for misprounance his name, even fans of BTS(like me) said their names wrong at the begining. Some fans are just a bit too much sensitive.❤

  5. Thanks! This will be my very next workout! I didn't see the original so this will be new to me. I hope you leave the video up though. It just goes to show that we are all a work in progress and that we can get better. You're the best keep up the good work!!

  6. Thank you! This will be perfect once I recuperate from my carpal tunnel surgeries, to help me get healthy and ready for the MOTS Tour! I'm a 51 yo ARMY btw😁💜💜💜

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