1 Comment

  1. The men might need a campus then which is more open air but a higher venue that can hold more people if needed for the grandstands. Imagine a track and field area about a soccer field in the middle. The men can have lights at night to feel they can have more time and that way they can hold games for women and children to watch. During the day that women may use the facilities as they allow more privacy but the men still have access to it once the hours change at thr facility at night… it's compromise but it's possible building athletes all around is necessary. Especially for Afghanistan that needs its Heroes just like its soldiers who are sometimes are also athletes and everything else. You never know if the next girl or boy because of the ability to be athletic has a chance at the next cure or invent a technology or perhaps become a world champion. Wouldn't that be something question mark it all requires patience a little compromise and a little improvisation. The lights at night will give new Prestige to the field even on the day it might look a little bare. Night events no matter where around the world are quite an event

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